RigExpert AA-30.ZERO Graph Plotting

You can draw nice graphs very easily using Gnuplot.

The raw data obtained from your AA-30.ZERO is:


And the script is:

# Gnuplot script for AA-30.ZERO
set terminal aqua enhanced title "AA-30.ZERO" size 1200 900
set datafile separator ","
set grid
unset key
set multiplot layout 2,2 title "My Dipole Antenna"

set title "Impedance (R, X, and Z)"
plot   "mydata.txt" using 1:2 with line linewidth 3, \
"mydata.txt" using 1:3 with line linewidth 3, \
"mydata.txt" using 1:( abs($2+$3*{0,1}) ) with line linewidth 3

set title "Return Loss"
plot "mydata.txt" using 1:( -20.0 * log(abs( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) / log(10) ) with line linewidth 3 linetype 4

set title "VSWR"
plot "mydata.txt" using 1:( (1+abs( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) / (1-abs( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) ) with line linewidth 3 linetype 7

set title "Smith Chart"
set polar
set grid polar
set size square
set xrange [-1:+1]
plot "mydata.txt" using (arg( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) : (abs( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) : (3*$1) with point pointtype 7 lc variable

unset multiplot

Set the terminal type properly depending on your platform. See the line 3 of the script.

Then all you have to do is:

% ./aa30zero fq3500000 sw2000000 frx200 > mydata.txt
% gnuplot aa30zero.plt