Haskell and Morse code



First, we use an association list.

text = "-.-. --.- @ -.. . @ .--- .... .---- --- --- -.. @ -.-"
dict :: [(String, Char)]
dict =
   [(".-"   ,'a'),
    ("-..." ,'b'),
    ("-.-." ,'c'),
    ("-.."  ,'d'),
    ("."    ,'e'),
    ("..-." ,'f'),
    ("--."  ,'g'),
    ("...." ,'h'),
    (".."   ,'i'),
    (".---" ,'j'),
    ("-.-"  ,'k'),
    (".-.." ,'l'),
    ("--"   ,'m'),
    ("-."   ,'n'),
    ("---"  ,'o'),
    (".--." ,'p'),
    ("--.-" ,'q'),
    (".-."  ,'r'),
    ("..."  ,'s'),
    ("-"    ,'t'),
    ("..-"  ,'u'),
    ("...-" ,'v'),
    (".--"  ,'w'),
    ("-..-" ,'x'),
    ("-.--" ,'y'),
    ("--.." ,'z'),
    ("@"    ,' ')] 

decodeLetter :: String -> Char
decodeLetter code = maybe ' ' id $ lookup code dict
decode = map decodeLetter . words

main = do
    print $ decode text

The function words breaks a string up into a list of words, which were delimited by
white space.

-- https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/standard-prelude.html
words            :: String -> [String]
words s          =  case dropWhile Char.isSpace s of
                      "" -> []
                      s' -> w : words s''
                            where (w, s'') = break Char.isSpace s'

Using a string “@” for a word space is not elegant, and there should be a better way.

The output will be:

"cq de jh1ood k"

Haskell and the Tower of Hanoi



hanoi :: Integer -> String -> String -> String -> [(String, String)]
hanoi 0 _ _ _ = []
hanoi n a b c = hanoi (n-1) a c b ++ [(a, b)] ++ hanoi (n-1) c b a

hanoiIO n = mapM_ f $ hanoi n "Pole 1" "Pole 3" "Pole 2" where
  f (x,y) = putStrLn $ "Move from " ++ show x ++ " to " ++ show y

main = do
  hanoiIO 3
Move from "Pole 1" to "Pole 3"
Move from "Pole 1" to "Pole 2"
Move from "Pole 3" to "Pole 2"
Move from "Pole 1" to "Pole 3"
Move from "Pole 2" to "Pole 1"
Move from "Pole 2" to "Pole 3"
Move from "Pole 1" to "Pole 3"

Haskell and N-queens problem (2)

The function sameDiag is somewhat enigmatic. So I rewrite it as:

queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
queens n = filter test (generate n)
    where generate 0      = [[]]
          generate k      = [q : qs | q <- [1..n], qs <- generate (k-1)]
          test []         = True
          test (q:qs)     = isSafe q qs && test qs
          isSafe   try qs = not (try `elem` qs 
                              || try `elem` zipWith (+) qs [1..]
                              || try `elem` zipWith (-) qs [1..])
--        isSafe   try qs = not (try `elem` qs || sameDiag try qs)
--        sameDiag try qs = any (\(colDist,q) -> abs (try - q) == colDist) $ zip [1..] qs

main = do
    print $ queens 4

The function zipWith makes a list, its elements are calculated from the function
(+) and the elements of input lists, qs and [1..], occurring at the same position in both lists.
For example:

% ghci
GHCi, version 7.10.3
Prelude> [1,3,2,4]
Prelude> zip [1,3,2,4][1..]
Prelude> zipWith (+) [1,3,2,4][1..]

The two same numbers, 5, in the obtained list [2,5,5,8] tells you that the queens on (b,3) and (c,2) are in the same diagonal, thus the arrangement [1,3,2,4] should fail the test.

Haskell and N-queens problem



This is a very popular problem, and let’s see how it can be treated with Haskell.


First, we generate all possible arrangements recursively.

queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
queens n = generate n
    where generate 0      = [[]]
          generate k      = [q : qs | q <- [1..n], qs <- generate (k-1)]

main = do
    print $ queens 3

Here, [x,y,z] means we have queens at (a,x), (b,y), (c,z).

Obviously, we can place only one queen for each raw, so the patters containing the same number must be eliminated.

queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
queens n = filter test (generate n)
    where generate 0      = [[]]
          generate k      = [q : qs | q <- [1..n], qs <- generate (k-1)]
          test []         = True
          test (q:qs)     = isSafe q qs && test qs
          isSafe   try qs = not (try `elem` qs)

main = do
    print $ queens 3

The function elm returns True if the list qs contains an item equal to the argument try.

Now, the last thing to check is if the two queens are in the same diagonal.

queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
queens n = filter test (generate n)
    where generate 0      = [[]]
          generate k      = [q : qs | q <- [1..n], qs <- generate (k-1)]
          test []         = True
          test (q:qs)     = isSafe q qs && test qs
          isSafe   try qs = not (try `elem` qs || sameDiag try qs)
          sameDiag try qs = any (\(colDist,q) -> abs (try - q) == colDist) $ zip [1..] qs

main = do
    print $ queens 3
[ ]

This is OK, because we know that there is no solution for n=3. So let’s try again with n=4.




This is my first functional programming language.

% cat test.hs
main = do
    putStrLn "CQ de JH1OOD"

% ghc -o test test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( test.hs, test.o )
Linking test ...

% ./test

% ghci
GHCi, version 7.10.3
Prelude> let fact :: Int -> Int; fact n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fact (n-1)
Prelude> fact 10
Prelude> fact 20

% cat fact.hs
fact :: Integer -> Integer 
fact n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fact (n-1)
main = do
    print $ fact 30

% ghc -o fact fact.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( fact.hs, fact.o )
Linking fact ...
% ./fact

% cat fibo.hs
fibo :: Integer -> Integer
fibo 0 = 0
fibo 1 = 1
fibo n = fibo (n-2) + fibo (n-1)
main = do
    print $ fibo 20

% ghc -o fibo fibo.hs && ./fibo

The Go Programming Language


There are so many languages, both computer and natural, in the world.


% cat hello-world.go
package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Print("CQ de JH1OOD K\n")

% go run hello-world.go

% go build hello-world.go
% ./hello-world