Haskell and N-queens problem (2)

The function sameDiag is somewhat enigmatic. So I rewrite it as:

queens :: Int -> [[Int]]
queens n = filter test (generate n)
    where generate 0      = [[]]
          generate k      = [q : qs | q <- [1..n], qs <- generate (k-1)]
          test []         = True
          test (q:qs)     = isSafe q qs && test qs
          isSafe   try qs = not (try `elem` qs 
                              || try `elem` zipWith (+) qs [1..]
                              || try `elem` zipWith (-) qs [1..])
--        isSafe   try qs = not (try `elem` qs || sameDiag try qs)
--        sameDiag try qs = any (\(colDist,q) -> abs (try - q) == colDist) $ zip [1..] qs

main = do
    print $ queens 4

The function zipWith makes a list, its elements are calculated from the function
(+) and the elements of input lists, qs and [1..], occurring at the same position in both lists.
For example:

% ghci
GHCi, version 7.10.3
Prelude> [1,3,2,4]
Prelude> zip [1,3,2,4][1..]
Prelude> zipWith (+) [1,3,2,4][1..]

The two same numbers, 5, in the obtained list [2,5,5,8] tells you that the queens on (b,3) and (c,2) are in the same diagonal, thus the arrangement [1,3,2,4] should fail the test.