RigExpert AA-30.ZERO

The AA-30.ZERO is an AA-30 antenna analyzer without enclosure, LCD display and keypad. The board is connected to your PC through a USB-to-RS232C converter.

I used my Arduino Uno for the conversion. You can find a simple sample program here.

// UART bridge for data exchange between 
// RigExpert AA-30 ZERO antenna & cable analyzer and Arduino Uno
// Receives from the Arduino, sends to AA-30 ZERO.
// Receives from AA-30 ZERO, sends to the Arduino.
// 26 June 2017, Rig Expert Ukraine Ltd.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial ZERO(4, 7);  // RX, TX

void setup() {
  ZERO.begin(38400);        // init AA side UART
  Serial.begin(38400);      // init PC side UART

void loop() {
  if (ZERO.available()) Serial.write(ZERO.read());    // data stream from AA to PC
  if (Serial.available()) ZERO.write(Serial.read());  // data stream from PC to AA

With my Mac mini, the board worked fine. Visit https://rigexpert.com/products/kits-analyzers/aa-30-zero/getting-started-with-the-zero/ for the available commands.

The values shown are freq [MHz], R [ohm], and X [ohm], respectively. The measurement above was done with no load connected to the RF output terminal, so the values of R and X are rather large and not very stable.

Arduino IDE and its serial console can also be used depending on your liking.