IC-7410 Rig Control Program and Soft66LC4 (7)


This waterfall is with the following code.

    if(channels == 2) { /* for my Soft66LC4 only */
      for(int i =0; i < NFFT; i+=2) {
 		  double i1 = samples[i  ] + (-246.618); /* DC offset */
    	  double q1 = samples[i+1] + (-222.262);
    	  double i2 = i1;
    	  double q2 = -0.32258 * i1 + 1.1443 * q1; /* gain and phase correction */
    	  double i3 = q2; /* swap IQ */
    	  double q3 = i2;
    	  audio_signal[i]   = i3;
    	  audio_signal[i+1] = q3;

Note that IQ signals are swapped now, so the signals higher than the LO, which is in this case 7020kHz, appear on the right half of the display.