IC-7410 Rig Control Program and Soft66LC4

/* for IC-7410 */
unsigned int rate = 32000;      /* stream rate */
unsigned int channels = 1;      /* count of channels */

/* for Soft66LC4 via PC soundcard */
//unsigned int rate = 48000;    /* stream rate */
//unsigned int channels = 2;    /* count of channels */

Since IC-7410 and Soft66LC4 can be controlled simultaneously from HDSDR (see IC-7410 and Soft66LC4), it may be desirable to do the same thing with my program.

The intention is to display a wideband waterfall with Soft66LC4, and, on clicking, to tune IC-7410 for transmission.

% soft66-control -l
Bus 002 device 003:
  Manufacturer: FTDI
  Description:  FT232R USB UART
  Serial no.:   A700eOYJ
1 device found

% lsusb
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC