Static members (2)

IC-7410 Rig Control Program (C++ version)_037

Now, I can click on either of the waterfalls to tune into the desired signal. This functionality was gone for several weeks after I started my refactoring. The new feature is the white marker on the spectrum on the lower half to indicate the current VFO frequency of IC-7410.

Unfortunately, the implementation includes the lines which are not very elegant.

	/* show IC-7410 passband on Soft66LC4 waterfall */
	if(nch == 2) {
		cr->set_source_rgba(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.4);
		cr->rectangle(xspacing + spectrum_x/2 + (AlsaParams::ic7410_frequency-AlsaParams::soft66_frequency)/ s->bin_size - 15, yspacing+(waveform_y+yspacing)*nch, 30, spectrum_y);
bool MyDrawingArea::on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton * event) {

	x_press = event->x;
	y_press = event->y;

	int freq;
	switch (nch) {
	case 1: /* IC-7410 */
		if(s->operating_mode == 3) { /* CW is LSB */
			freq = AlsaParams::ic7410_frequency - ( (x_press - xspacing) * s->bin_size - s->cw_pitch );
		} else if(s->operating_mode == 7) { /* CW-R is USB */
			freq = AlsaParams::ic7410_frequency + ( (x_press - xspacing) * s->bin_size - s->cw_pitch );
		} else {
	case 2: /* Soft66LC4 */
		freq = AlsaParams::soft66_frequency + ( (x_press - xspacing) - (waterfall_x / 2) ) * s->bin_size;
		return false;
	return true;

Of course I can use virtual functions to eliminate all such if or switch statements, but I am not very sure if I should.

The exact position and the size of the white marker should reflect the bandwidth of IC-7410, and if it is in LSB or USB mode, but now they are both fixed.