How do you name variables?

During refactoring my code, it took me some time before I realized why I was having the compilation errors.

class MyDrawingArea : public Gtk::DrawingArea {
    Sound* s = nullptr;

MyDrawingArea::MyDrawingArea(Sound* ss) : s {ss} {
    nch = s->get_channels(); // O.K.

You agree with me that the short names, such as s or ss, are elegant than longer ones, but:

bool MyDrawingArea::on_draw(const Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> &cr) {
    s->asound_read(); // O.K.
    // many lines here
    for(int ix=0;ix<waveform_x;ix++) {
        cr->line_to(ix, s->audio_signal[ix];) // Error!

I first thought it was OK with member functions, but not with data members, and I was checking only class definitions.

Actually, it was due to the following lines moved from another place and inserted at //many lines here:

//{   /* braces are here before, but deleted later to beautify (!) the code */
    unsigned char *s;
    s= buf;
    for(i=0;i<buf_len;i++) {
        cout << *s++;
// }