From text

We can also send Morse code not only from a keyboard but from a text.

% echo "cq de jh1ood k" | ic-7410_cw_keyboard
% ic-7410_cw_keyboard < message1.txt

At EOF, we need to wait a little bit before exiting so that all the text is transmitted to IC-7410. This is not very smart, so it might be better to check the ack from IC-7410 instead of just waiting for a fixed period.

diff -c ic-7410_cw_keyboard.c ic-7410_cw_keyboard_from_text.c
    while (1)
        nread = read (STDIN_FILENO, &c, 1);
+       if(nread == 0) { sleep(2); return EXIT_SUCCESS;}
        if (c == '\004') { /* C-d */