Download and compare ADIF files from PSK Reporter (3)

Station 1:
from: QSO_DATE: 20180517, TIME_ON: 033544
to: QSO_DATE: 20180523, TIME_ON: 212959
5067 lines.

Station 2:
from: QSO_DATE: 20180523, TIME_ON: 104403
to: QSO_DATE: 20180524, TIME_ON: 025314
3504 lines.

First match: QSO_DATE: 20180523, TIME_ON: 113844
Last match: QSO_DATE: 20180523, TIME_ON: 212959
909 matches are found.

The difference of two “TIME_ON”s between the two stations. In most cased, the same DX station is reported at the same time.

The time difference is in sec.

The SNR comparison with the time difference of 0 sec (green), and within 600 sec (red).

file_name1 = 'station1.adif'
file_name2 = 'station2.adif'
def parse_adif(fn):
    raw = re.split('<eor>|<eoh>',open(fn).read() )
    logbook =[]
    for record in raw:
        qso = {}
        tags = re.findall('<(.*?):\d+.*?>([^<\t\n\r\f\v]+)',record)
        for tag in tags:
            qso[tag[0]] = tag[1]
    return logbook

def time2sec(time):
    sec = int(time[0:2])*60*60+int(time[2:4])*60+int(time[4:6])
    return sec

l1 = parse_adif(file_name1)
l2 = parse_adif(file_name2)

pattern = r"7."

for qso1 in l1:
    if re.match(pattern, qso1['FREQ']):
        for qso2 in l2:
            if (qso1['CALL'] in qso2.values()):
                if (qso1['QSO_DATE'] == qso2['QSO_DATE']):
                    time1 = time2sec(qso1['TIME_ON'])
                    time2 = time2sec(qso2['TIME_ON'])
                    if (abs(time1 - time2) < 600):
                        print(qso1['APP_PSKREP_SNR'], qso2['APP_PSKREP_SNR'], time1-time2)
% python3 > data.csv
% R
> data=read.csv("data.csv", header=F, sep="")
> hist(data$V3, col="#00ffff80", breaks=seq(-625,625,50))
> plot(data$V3, col="#0000ff80", xlab="index", ylab="time diff")
> plot(data$V1, data$V2, xlab="My SNR", ylab="His SNR", pch=16, col="#00ff0080", tck=1, xlim=c(-30,20), ylim=c(-30,20))