Upload to LoTW


I uploaded my log to LoTW and updated my page “LoTW“.


It seems that I did not upload for more than eight months after I switched from my PC_old to PC_new. The following document, “Moving LoTW to Another Computer”, may help in such situations. Please be careful that the program “TQSL” is the latest (currently v2.0.3) on both your PCs.

Log Check Report for 2013 CQ WW DX CW CONTEST


 9.1% Error Rate based on claimed and final qso counts
       0 (0.0%) calls copied incorrectly
       1 (4.5%) exchanges copied incorrectly
       0 (0.0%) band change violations
       1 (4.5%) not in log
       0 (0.0%) duplicates (Removed without penalty)
       0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

My own record, handwritten because I usually do not use a logging program in real-time, is:

--cq ww contest--
28.022.91 LU1DZ zone 13 0633jst     <-***OK***(??)
28.044.07 AH0BT jst1320             <-***OK***

I think I should have checked that AH0BT is in zone 27 before submitting my log.

scikit-rf (2)


Testing with a touchstone file.

# kHZ S RI R 50
1000  0.0000 0.0000
2000  0.0099 0.0990
3000  0.0384 0.1923
4000  0.0825 0.2752

The S parameters are artificially generated as Z=50.0 + jX [ohm], and the reflection coefficient, S11, is obtained as S11=(Z-Z0)/(Z+Z0).



Scikit-rf is a package for RF/Microwave engineering implemented in the Python programming language.

import skrf as rf
ntwk = rf.Network(rf.data.pwd+'/ring slot.s2p')


Actually, these two figures are essentially the same in a sense that a reflection coefficient (the vector in green in the latter case) is plotted on a complex plane.