Arduino Leonardo (6)


A small universal board is used to be plugged on top of the Arduino board. Such boards are called “shields” in Arduino terminology.

The red and black lines go to the rig (keyer output), and the yellow, green and black lines go to the paddle.


Since you have a full control over the keyer from your PC, there are no volumes nor switches on the “shield”.


Do not forget to uncomment the following line in “keyer_features_and_options.h”:


to enable the memories feature.

Arduino Leonardo (5)


The CW Keyer program by K3NG is very versatile, and if the Keyer is connceted to a PC with a USB cable, although it is not necessary to use the Keyer, you can issue a command or a message to be sent from the keyboard using any terminal emulator programs such as PuTTY.