QSZ? (2)


By listening to the morse code audio files with QSZ 3, I noticed I almost always miss the same particular words independent of the speed of the code. It does not matter whether it is at 25wpm, 30wpm, or 35wpm.

The longer the word, the more difficult it becomes to get the word. And if I miss at the first time, listening to it two more times does not help much in most cases.

Some examples are:

 10 absolutely
 10 acceptable
 10 additional
 11 advertising
 11 alternative
 11 application
 12 championship
 12 construction
 12 contribution
 13 automatically
 13 communication
 13 comprehensive
 14 administration
 14 recommendation
 14 transportation

Maybe I should concentrate on words, say length more than 10, to save my time

% gawk '{print length($1)}' English2000.txt > English2000-length.txt
% R
> data=read.table("English2000-length.txt")
> hist(data$V1,xlim=c(0,14),main="Histogram of Word Length",xlab="Word Length",col="green")