FPGA CW Keyer (9)


Now trying to have a Morse code table.

    always @ (send_char) begin
            5'b00000: begin morse_code <= 16'b1011_1000_0000_0110; end
            5'b00001: begin morse_code <= 16'b1110_1010_1000_1010; end
            5'b00010: begin morse_code <= 16'b1110_1011_1010_1100; end
            5'b00011: begin morse_code <= 16'b1110_1010_0000_1000; end
            5'b00100: begin morse_code <= 16'b1000_0000_0000_1100; end

The four LSBs are used to indicate the code length. I do not feel a strong need for such features as adjustable weighting, adjustable dot/dash ratio, etc., so this rather primitive format will do.