Mitsuko Uchida


This series of Uchida with the English Chamber Orchestra (conducted by Jeffrey Tate) was my great favorite in late 80’s.

It is said that the first performance of the Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K. 466 took place in Vienna on February 11, 1785, with the Mozart himself as the soloist. Can you believe that the concert becomes 230 years old next week?



Eclipse and Google Code


I do not like IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) very much, and I use Eclipse only occasionally.

My program at Google Code is checked out using subversion.




So I have read some 12% of the book now. One of the things of interest was that a[j]==j[a], which is described in 7.4.1 Navigating Arrays.

For example, “jh1ood”[2] is the second, or if you start counting from one, the third character of the string “jh1ood”, and therefore is ‘1’. But, the story continues that 2[“jh1ood”] is also ‘1’.

a[0] = 10
a[1] = 11
a[2] = 12
a[3] = 13
a[4] = 14

2[a] = 12

The proof is as follows:

a[j] == *(&a[0]+j) == *(a+j) == *(j+a) == j[a]