LO: 12.5MHz, RF: 5MHz.
LO: 12.5MHz, RF: 7.5Mhz.
LO: 15MHz, RF: 5MHz.
Ham Radio Blog
% gnuplot gnuplot> f(x)=a*sqrt(x) gnuplot> fit f(x) "mydata.txt" using 1:5 via a iter chisq delta/lim lambda a 0 9.0593050625e+02 0.00e+00 8.02e-01 2.070472e-01 1 5.4539304323e+01 -1.56e+06 8.02e-02 3.445278e-01 2 5.4539209850e+01 -1.73e-01 8.02e-03 3.445736e-01 iter chisq delta/lim lambda a After 2 iterations the fit converged. final sum of squares of residuals : 54.5392 rel. change during last iteration : -1.7322e-06 degrees of freedom (FIT_NDF) : 3000 rms of residuals (FIT_STDFIT) = sqrt(WSSR/ndf) : 0.134832 variance of residuals (reduced chisquare) = WSSR/ndf : 0.0181797 Final set of parameters Asymptotic Standard Error ======================= ========================== a = 0.344574 +/- 0.0006355 (0.1844%) gnuplot> print a*sqrt(30) 1.88730727013936
2.48, 1.3514, -0.299513, 1.3842, 0.469624, 36.9999, -3.1296, 0.947368 2.49, 1.39451, 0.083306, 1.397, 0.484627, 35.8549, 3.13826, 0.945733 7.53, 2.59869, -0.289392, 2.61476, 0.903662, 19.2411, -3.12999, 0.901191 7.54, 2.45728, 0.08333, 2.4587, 0.854434, 20.3477, 3.13825, 0.906313 12.6, 3.4673, -0.351551, 3.48508, 1.20654, 14.4212, -3.12746, 0.870308 12.61, 3.43064, 0.097069, 3.43201, 1.1938, 14.5746, 3.13769, 0.871586 ... 27.77, 5.43172, -0.091826, 5.43249, 1.89464, 9.20522, -3.13788, 0.804022 27.78, 5.31208, 0.100171, 5.31302, 1.85259, 9.41255, 3.13754, 0.807924
周期は (27.77MHz-2.48MHz)/5cyles、すなわち、5.06MHz/cycleです。
% head mydataR.txt Frequency, R, X, Z, Return_Loss, VSWR, rhoAng, rhoAbs 2, 2.99567, -6.27359, 6.95212, 1.0258, 16.9545, -2.89108, 0.888607 2.01, 3.07187, -5.98362, 6.72608, 1.05344, 16.5107, -2.9025, 0.885784 2.02, 3.00247, -5.64513, 6.39393, 1.0312, 16.866, -2.91594, 0.888055 ...
% R > data<-read.table("mydataR.txt",sep=",",header=T) > gp = ggplot(data, aes(x=Frequency, y=Return_Loss, colour=Return_Loss)) > gp = gp + geom_line(size=2, alpha=0.7) > print(gp)
% R > data<-read.table("mydata.txt",sep=",") > plot(x=data$V1, y=data$V2, type="s", main="Impedance", xlab="frequency [MHz]", ylab="[ohm]", ylim=c(-300,700), col=2) > par(new=T) > plot(x=data$V1, y=data$V3, type="s", main="Impedance", xlab="frequency [MHz]", ylab="[ohm]", ylim=c(-300,700), col=3) > par(new=T) > plot(x=data$V1, y=data$V4, type="s", main="Impedance", xlab="frequency [MHz]", ylab="[ohm]", ylim=c(-300,700), col=4, tck=1) > plot(x=data$V1, y=data$V5, type="s", main="Return Loss", xlab="frequency [MHz]", ylab="Return Loss [dB]", col=6, tck=1) > plot(x=data$V1, y=data$V6, type="s", main="VSWR", xlab="frequency [MHz]", ylab="VSWR", col=4, tck=1)
/* Data Converter for Rig Expert AA-30.ZERO */ /* % g++ bb30.cpp -o bb30 */ #include <complex> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { string fval, rval, xval; double f, r, x; double absz, retloss, vswr; complex<double> z, rho; const complex<double> z0 = 50.0; while (!cin.eof()) { getline(cin, fval, ','); getline(cin, rval, ','); getline(cin, xval, '\n'); stringstream(fval) >> f; stringstream(rval) >> r; if(r<0) r=0.01; stringstream(xval) >> x; z = complex<double>(r,x); absz = abs(z); rho = (z-z0)/(z+z0); retloss = -20.0 * log( abs(rho) ) / log( 10.0 ); vswr = ( 1+abs(rho) ) / ( 1-abs(rho) ); cout << f << ", " << r << ", " << x << ", " << absz << ", " << retloss << ", " << vswr << ", " << arg(rho) << ", " << abs(rho) << endl; } }
# Gnuplot script for AA-30.ZERO reset set terminal aqua enhanced title 'AA-30.ZERO' size 1200 900 set multiplot layout 2,2 title 'My Antenna' set grid unset key fname = 'mydata.txt' set datafile separator ',' set title 'Impedance (R, X, and Z)' plot fname using 1:2 with line linewidth 3, \ '' using 1:3 with line linewidth 3, \ '' using 1:4 with line linewidth 3, \ 0.0 with line linewidth 3 lc "#80000000" stats '' using 1:5 nooutput set title sprintf("Retrun Loss (max = %6.2fdB at %6.3fMHz)", STATS_max_y, STATS_pos_max_y) plot '' using 1:5 with line linewidth 3 linetype 4 stats '' using 1:6 nooutput set title sprintf("VSWR (min = %6.2f at %6.3fMHz)", STATS_min_y, STATS_pos_min_y) set yrange [1:10] plot '' using 1: 6 with line linewidth 3 linetype 7, \ 1.0 with line linewidth 3 lc "#80000000" set title 'Smith Chart' set polar set grid polar set size square set xrange [-1:+1] set yrange [-1:+1] plot '' using 7:8 with line linewidth 3 linetype 6 unset multiplot reset
% ./aa30zero /dev/cu.usbmodem1461 fq3500000 sw3000000 frx300 | ./bb30 > mydata.txt
# Gnuplot script for AA-30.ZERO reset set terminal aqua enhanced title 'AA-30.ZERO' size 1200 900 set multiplot layout 2,2 title 'My Antenna' set grid unset key fname = 'mydata.txt' set datafile separator ',' z0 = 50.0 z(r,x) = r + x*{0,1} rho(z) = (z-z0)/(z+z0) retloss(z) = -20.0 * log( abs(rho(z)) ) / log( 10.0 ) vswr(z) = ( 1+abs(rho(z)) ) / ( 1-abs(rho(z)) ) set title 'Impedance (R, X, and Z)' plot fname using 1:( abs(z($2,$3)) ) with line linewidth 3, \ '' using 1:2 with line linewidth 3, \ '' using 1:3 with line linewidth 3, \ 0.0 with line linewidth 3 lc "#80000000" set title 'Return Loss' plot '' using 1:( retloss(z($2,$3)) ) with line linewidth 3 linetype 4 set title 'VSWR' plot '' using 1:( vswr (z($2,$3)) ) with line linewidth 3 linetype 7, \ 1.0 with line linewidth 3 lc "#80000000" set title 'Smith Chart' set polar set grid polar set size square set xrange [-1:+1] plot '' using ( arg(rho(z($2,$3))) ) : ( abs(rho(z($2,$3))) ) : (3*$1) with line linewidth 3 linetype 6 unset multiplot reset
... 2.990000,15.066906,46.652055 3.000000,15.557470,48.099209 3.010000,16.004803,48.884680 ...
# Gnuplot script for AA-30.ZERO reset set terminal aqua enhanced title "AA-30.ZERO" size 1200 900 set datafile separator "," set grid unset key set multiplot layout 2,2 title "My Dipole Antenna" set title "Impedance (R, X, and Z)" plot "mydata.txt" using 1:2 with line linewidth 3, \ "mydata.txt" using 1:3 with line linewidth 3, \ "mydata.txt" using 1:( abs($2+$3*{0,1}) ) with line linewidth 3 set title "Return Loss" plot "mydata.txt" using 1:( -20.0 * log(abs( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) / log(10) ) with line linewidth 3 linetype 4 set title "VSWR" plot "mydata.txt" using 1:( (1+abs( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) / (1-abs( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) ) with line linewidth 3 linetype 7 set title "Smith Chart" set polar set grid polar set size square set xrange [-1:+1] plot "mydata.txt" using (arg( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) : (abs( ($2+$3*{0,1}-50)/($2+$3*{0,1}+50) )) : (3*$1) with point pointtype 7 lc variable unset multiplot
% ./aa30zero fq3500000 sw2000000 frx200 > mydata.txt % gnuplot aa30zero.plt