Push to Docker Hub

$ docker login
Login Succeeded

$ docker push spinorlab/mytest2:latest
The push refers to repository [docker.io/spinorlab/mytest2]
5029f7ee982d: Pushed 
9ad1613bbd61: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
e1d989f7dcf7: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
121b52b5f422: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
15438b600e27: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
a277414bc98e: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
2ea460eb43f3: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
1206fb09b65f: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
06211822af79: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
d0dc22652f23: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
808186df4412: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
c67444e4a455: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
e46b1edd096d: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
a54221677577: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
3635245ebf45: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
fc1de999a67f: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
459ab4b91080: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
15d8713e46ff: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
cbad238d3511: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
8e1d800aec8e: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
8001ac9daff0: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
2cdb2c6a3a9c: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
a7bb72101540: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
04ec0c2fd468: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
8682f9a74649: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
d3a6da143c91: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
83f4287e1f04: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
7ef368776582: Mounted from tensorflow/tensorflow 
latest: digest: sha256:455683d0938c821775548a728ada4f332b8a8a24ee5f4846e59dd6df1cc8930c size: 6177
      IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
tensorflow/tensorflow   latest-jupyter      2d87e2e84687        10 days ago         1.69GB
tensorflow/tensorflow   latest              539d0e818045        10 days ago         1.54GB

$ docker run -it -p 8888:8888 spinorlab/mytest2
Unable to find image 'spinorlab/mytest2:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from spinorlab/mytest2
7595c8c21622: Already exists 
d13af8ca898f: Already exists 
70799171ddba: Already exists 
b6c12202c5ef: Already exists 
e85a7daf82bf: Already exists 
83af0ea793b7: Already exists 
34fa049596e7: Already exists 
dc1cc2fe1e0c: Already exists 
1a5aee8cf91a: Already exists 
31d48fae49f8: Already exists 
3a1b491b29e7: Already exists 
07e490e2f08a: Already exists 
6eaf16807188: Already exists 
a9f79dabae8c: Already exists 
c826fed7e446: Already exists 
9fd0905294ac: Already exists 
12bb1b3645cf: Already exists 
37f7fe348b69: Already exists 
b8eafc2f4569: Already exists 
416fc2f51eba: Already exists 
30d0c35e0b10: Already exists 
94fbeeb8d0c4: Already exists 
5f2b7dc63f6f: Already exists 
23ab0f6c8495: Already exists 
e987a9b2b4b3: Already exists 
dff8619d554c: Already exists 
206cc04ed7f4: Already exists 
332e2a286694: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:455683d0938c821775548a728ada4f332b8a8a24ee5f4846e59dd6df1cc8930c
Status: Downloaded newer image for spinorlab/mytest2:latest
[I 00:25:45.062 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to /root/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/notebook_cookie_secret
jupyter_http_over_ws extension initialized. Listening on /http_over_websocket
[I 00:25:45.273 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /tf
[I 00:25:45.273 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at:
[I 00:25:45.273 NotebookApp] http://d8508a271901:8888/?token=f326bec7f79b9cc51a90929026b2d2bd02beec1fc6e1d993
[I 00:25:45.273 NotebookApp]  or
[I 00:25:45.273 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
[C 00:25:45.277 NotebookApp] 
    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

Build a docker image

You may sometimes wish to customize your image.

# Dockerfile
FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-jupyter
RUN pip install opencv-python-headless
CMD [ "bash", "-c", "source /etc/bash.bashrc && jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/tf --ip --no-browser --allow-root" ]
$ docker build -t mytest1 .
$ docker images
REPOSITORY              TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
mytest1                 latest              0c66acf727fa        14 minutes ago      1.82GB
tensorflow/tensorflow   latest-jupyter      2d87e2e84687        9 days ago          1.69GB
$ docker run -it -p 8888:8888 mytest1:latest

TensorFlow 2

Two quick and easy ways to use TensorFlow 2 are either to run a docker image or to visit Google Colab with your browser.

$ docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow:latest
$ docker run -it -p 8888:8888 tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-jupyter

The Prime Radiant

Do you think the Psychohistorians are discussing using Google Colab and TensorBoard?

It all began in the year 11,988 GE (Galactic Era) when Hari Seldon was born on Helicon.

Google Colab (None, GPU, TPU)

You can select two types of hardware accelerators.

Without a hardware accelerator, you will get:

But, with GPUs:

So it gets about six times faster with a GPU.

A sample program provided by Google shows twenty times acceleration with GPUs.

Another sample program shows the throughput of 162.58 TFlops with TPUs.